Friday, December 12, 2003

Well, I finished my classes yesterday. One final on tuesday and I will be completely done for the semester. One of my prof's challenged us to remain faithful yesterday. We were studying 2 Timothy. He said, "If you ever feel like you want to quit Christian ministry in any capacity, call me up. I want to encourage you. I want to cheer you on." Then he started to cry, then I got some tears in my eyes. It was really moving. This prof has been really amazing this year. I definitely under appreciated him. He wasn't the best speaker, but was so humble and affirming. He knew my name even before I said anything to him. I realized just how much the heart of a man is vital and crucial to his effectiveness. Dr. C doesn't have it all together, but he loves Jesus with all his heart.

I remember one day in class we were talking about him having a different philosophy on women in the leadership of the church than the elders of his church. He said that he still lets his wishes and desires submit to his authorities. This is a profound scholar of the New Testament. If anyone has authority and knowledge on this subject, he does. Yet, he chooses to submit in humility because God has placed those leaders above him.

Another time in chapel he shared about how he had put his work over his wife. He was honest enough to say that he had screwed up and given in to the wrong priorities. He is 65 years old and going strong. Man, if I become like the Jesus living in that man my life will be well spent.

Thanks Dr. C for showing me how to love our heavenly Father more.

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