Tuesday, December 16, 2003


So, I have a final exam today. It's my only one and I am not real motivated to study for it. Last night I actually chose Christmas shopping at the Gap over studying for the test. If any of you don't know I loathe going into the Gap. The only reason I have actually purchased clothes there is that I came to seminary and needed some more upscale pantalones than the ones I had (jeans and shorts mostly). The final won't be that hard and I'd really have to bomb it or ace it to make a difference in my grade. Plus I have taken this habit from college that I don't like to study on the day for a test. I'll look over the notes, but I always laugh at the scores of people sitting in the exam room franticly pouring over their notes, rehashing their memory devices. I actually tried making a song this morning over key chapters in 1 Corinthians. Yes I give permission for you to raise your right hand to your forehead, extending your index finger and thumb to a 90 degree angle thus communicating the customary "Loser" sign through your computer screen. I am sure I will get the message. All this is for a grade, not for learning. I care more that I know the material than that I can recite facts back to a multiple choice test.


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