Monday, May 02, 2005

Life as a lame duck

Sometimes I don't know what to do with myself. I am pretty much done here at my current church and don't officially start at my new church until May 15th. I feel bad for laying around the house a bunch and watching movies. I feel like I should get busy or something. Whenever I get these rediculous thoughts in my head I remember all the weekends I won't be able to relax. So, i will cherish my laziness these next few weeks and enjoy time spent resting and gaining strength for a weary summer.

I guess there is a false sense of urgency we Americans place on ourselves. We are so worried that we won't get enough things done or live life to the fullest that we cram a bunch of crap into our days. Jesus only had three years of public ministry took time to spend with the Father. Jesus was accused of being a drunkerd and glutton, perhaps people thought he was lazy too. Most of the time he would be seen at a dinner party at someone's house. We know for a fact that he had women financially support his ministry, so probably didn't work steadily. I imagine that if Jesus were alive today we would complain that He wasn't working hard enough to expand his ministry. Even Paul, who we would see as a classic type-a driven person, wasn't always on the go. He regularly spent extended periods of time in certain towns establishing churches. What better example than God's own commandments. God commanded His people to rest one day of the week. It was meant for refreshment and reflection.

So, I see our push for busy lives is more American than it is Christian. So, I will revel in my slothness for a while.


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