Thursday, December 25, 2003

Merry Christmas to all

Well, try as I might, I couldn't sleep in this morning. No, I am not awake in anticipation of Christmas goodies. At first it was kind of frustrating because I love sleep so much. Instead of making my self more aggravated by staying in bed I decided to get up and have some time of reflection on the true reason for Christmas...Jesus.

As I read the passages I am sickenly aware of how ho-hum Jesus' birth has become to me. I am ashamed to admit that I have to work on seeing the wonder and joy of God becoming man. Christ's advent is the point in history in which we were shown the greatness and mercy of a God who cares enough of mankind to humble himself. I am reminded of the passage in Philippians 2 that talks about Jesus taking the form of a servant. What a lowly creature we are that God would take our form. Many humans can find fault in their own bodies and they have never experienced another, heavenly body. Christ, on the other hand, knew what it was like to have a magnificent glory-filled body and he dumped his fullness into a man shaped case. It is hard to imagine, but I am thankful that He did. Our fallen and sick world cries desperately for the grace and truth that only Jesus can bring. Thank you my Lord!


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