Friday, February 20, 2004

Back Home
Well, I am finally back in town. It was a good trip. It has been a while since all of the OG family clan (brother, sister, parents, aunts, uncles and cousins) got together. Thanks for your prayers. I learned some cool things about my grandma. First, she once took a 270 mile hike all by herself. She was just that type of woman. I also learned that she was in the service during WW2 (and got kicked out..I don't know why). She was an adventurous woman.

All of the grandkids were pallbearers. It is hard carrying a coffin when you know that any false move could send your dead grandmother flying into the dirt.

For those of you who are wondering about how I was able to minister to my dad there is some good news. During the service I was sitting next to him. I looked over and I could see him crying (Something I have only seen once in my life). Doing what I could, I reached over and held his hand. This was probably the most intimate moment I have had with my father. Me holding his hand as he was grieving the loss of his mother. During that I time I knew that I was giving the best comfort I could. I know that he felt it too. Thank God for moments like those. I won't ever forget it.

In all I am doing quite well. I was able to grieve myself for the loss of a woman I never really knew. She was sick most of my life. One cool thing is that I was able to get a couple of my grandmothers paintings. She was an awesome artist and had a room abover their garage where she painted many wonderful nature scenes. Having these painting will help her memory live on in our home.


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