Monday, January 10, 2005

Back in Business
Last week I had an I-term class on Humanity, Angels and Sin. I thoroughly enjoyed the week despite how intense it was. I have a few more projects to complete and I will be done comepletely with the work. My prof had a way of bringing culture into the themes of creation, fall and re-creation, which I really loved.

Lately, I have been listening to a lot of U2. Their latest album is not only enjoyable, but dripping with meaning and spiritual depth. I especially enjoy the track "Yahweh". I can't seem to get the truth of this song out of my head. It is a simle prayer of dependence. Bono calls this a scary song to sing because he is using the name "Yahweh" which is forbidden for Jews to utter. How I desire the simple faith in this song.

Take these shoes
Click clacking down some dead end street
Take these shoesAnd make them fit
Take this shirt
Polyester white trash made in nowhere
Take this shirt
And make it clean, clean
Take this soul
Stranded in some skin and bones
Take this soulAnd make it sing
Yahweh, Yahweh
Always pain before a child is born
Yahweh, Yahweh
Still I'm waiting for the dawn
Take these hands
Teach them what to carry
Take these hands
Don't make a fist
Take this mouth
So quick to criticise
Take this mouth
Give it a kiss
Yahweh, Yahweh
lyrics taken from


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