Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Another one bites the dust
So the title has a twofold meaning. First, I am listening to Queen's Greatest Hits on my iPod. It is a great album!

The real deal is that I am sick and tired of hearing about failed marriages in our churches. I found out this Sunday that another set of parents from our youth group are getting a divorce. I half-heartedly expect it from non-Christian families, but to see it in the church is heart breaking. I see the devastation it causes to our students. They feel abandoned by their parents. Even if they are relieved that there will be less fighting in the house students can't help but wishing for their parents to work it out.

What are we telling the world (and our kids) by our lack of commitment? We tell them that God won't work through difficult times. We show them a God who can't get through certain issues. What if God had said to the Israelites, "I know we entered into this covenant, but you are just to hard to live with." God is faithful, even when it hurts His name. Now, I realize that nearly everyone enters marriages expecting it to last. To the parents I offer grace, knowing that God can redeem any circumstance. But there is still a nagging feeling that kids don't deserve this. Wives don't deserve this. Husbands don't deserve this. I see so much brokenness and pain and it kills me. It makes me work that much harder to keep my love and commitment for my wife. For those married people reading this, keep faith that God can work through difficult times and is honored when you do this.


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