Thursday, October 28, 2004

Sweet and Sour

This past week there have been some great times and some trying times. One really cool thing is that for my birthday some of our students made a movie parody of my life. The student that did most of the work for it is one that I have really made a connection with. He himself played me in the movie. Imagine a scrawny 8th grader in an oversized, way-too-huge Hawaiian shirt. It was a blessing for me. I was refreshed at knowing that I have made a difference in someone's life.

The sour came when I realized that of the 4 classes I needed to graduate in May, 3 were not being offered this spring. I get so frustrated at the seminary institution that doesn't allow for flexibility at all. In a lot of ways grace is not being displyed. Registrars were not getting back to me. My youth ministry professor will not give me any more information than 'please notify my adminitrative assistant and schedule an appointment'. How about a little more commentary of the situation? How about shedding some light on the subject? How about, "Yeah sure, we can substitute that class!" To no avail. It looks like now I will be forced to take some summer classes. Not as bad as I had hoped, but I am so ready to be done with school in May.


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