Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Identity VS. Assignment

Last night in class my prof said that we must never confuse our identity and our assignment. Identity is who I am. Assignment is what God has called me to do. I am a youth pastor. I feel the calling in every ounce of my being. I am passionate for seeing youth come to know Christ more and to live out that love. I am most creative (sadly) when it comes to ministry. When I let my assignment rule my life, I have made my assignment my identity. In reality, I am a child of God, son of the Most High. My delight and passion should come from being known by Him and being found in Him.

When we confuse our assignment (whether that be youth pastor, lay church leader, students...whatever God calls us to) we are exchanging something that lasts and is corruptable for the true reality in Christ. Significance becomes a work of our hands instead of rest in Christ's work. Our passion for life should be an outflowing of our connection to the Father, Son, and Spirit. They are the reason we live and move and have our being.

Father, let my supreme life purpose being found devotion to You first, then love for my wife and family, then finally my assignment, which was given by you in the first place. Forgive me for finding significance in things which are a shadow of the reality. You are reality.



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