Friday, November 12, 2004

The "S" Word

I have been thinking about the idea of submission. We had another marriage class this past weekend and one of the session talked about the wife's submission to the husband. Why is it such a difficult idea for us Christians to handle? Even as a man, I find myself repelled by the word. I think the biggest thing is that concept of submission has been used for centuries to justify a super-male ego boosting view of the Christian household. I look at my wife with such love and confidence that I shy away of even suggesting her submission to my authority.

If you really read the book of colossians submission is an issue. Paul says to the women, "Submit to your husband, as to the Lord." Back in those days it was usual for the wife to submit to the Lord. It is what Paul says next that is the amazing thing. Paul says for the husband to love their wives like Christ loved the church, giving himself up for her. Paul is calling for husband to give himself completely for the church. That was the astonishing part of the passage. Maybe the issue of submission should be taught less in the church and the idea of husbands giving themselves up for their wives should be taught more.

Submission is a stumbling block for non-churched people. What other ways could we talk about the concept of submission without the negative connotation traditionally associated with it? I don't have a replacement image, but it is food for thought.


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