Wednesday, August 13, 2003

I came across a discussion on Miketodd's Blog called "The Least". I am intrigued by the question, "What is the least someone can believe and still be a Christian?" As Mark Oestreicher asks, "does a little dose of Buddhism thrown into a belief system somehow kill off the Christian part?" I don't know. I have often cited the Mormon's as a very very twisted religion, theologically. Ironically, I firmly believe that there will many Mormon's who we'll see in heaven.

What is the Gospel? What are the essentials to the faith? When Paul went to Ephesus for the first time, the Ephesians we living off of the baptism of John. They were waiting in faith for the Messiah. If no one had told them about Jesus, where would they be? Jesus, on the other hand, seemed to really enjoy pointing out how knowledge had corrupted the pharisees. Jesus seems to care more about religious the dangers of religious super-pietism than anything else.

Well, I'm rambling. What are your thoughts?


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