Monday, September 15, 2003


On Friday night I spoke on Postmodernism to our new small group leaders. I don't know if I made my point, but was just excited to try it to see if I could.

A cool thing was that I saw an Imax movie called "Pulse". The movie chronicles music around the world driven by percussion. Its amazing to see citizens of earth get so wrapped up in the movement and rhythm. American Christianity has failed in the area of passionate creativity. Some might argue that we have passion for God (though there is ample evidence to suggest otherwise), but where is passion blended with creativity. Most of American Christianity is a cheap parlor trick. Where are the Lewis', the Rembrandt's, and the Handel's? Yes, there is something to be said about the plain and simple Gospel, but isn't our king worthy of more than the three chord bubble gum pop, paint by numbers, simple rhyme and meter we've been offering him lately?

I feel like Clark Griswold on top of the Eiffel Tower in "European Vacation" bursting with a burden to create.


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