Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Guys and prayer
Last night was one of the best times we've had in our couples group. We shared prayer requests and then split off, guys and girls. As guys we prayed for our spouses and each other. I have been extremely encouraged by the intimacy and spirituality that has grown in our group recently. It looked pretty bleak for a while, but now it is really awesome.

While on the subject, I have something to confess. In a lot of ways I am anti-establishment...Especially anti-Christian establishment. I have been in ministry long enough to spot the ministries out there that are fake and the ones that are extremely cheesy. Whether it be Christian fly-fishing, Christian breath mints, Christian diets or the myriad of other things that Christians grab onto to legitimize making a buck. My confession is that I have had the same ideas about Christian wrestling. I guess I lumped what I thought was a cheesy idea in with the rest of them. What I learned last night (with the help of a brother named Travis, who happens to be a wrestler) is that I need to shut up a little. Travis is a great guy who has broken many of my stereotypes concerning wrestlers. He is a genuine guy who loves the Lord and wants to make an impact on other people. For him, wrestling is a hook to bring the Gospel to other people. I can respect that.

Being anti-establishment I often point out how others are quick to make judgments about my point of view, but quite consistently I make the same snap judgments. I am sorry for that. I want to thank Travis for unwittingly breaking down some of the sin in my own life. To all the wrestlers out there trying to spread the Word of God I say to you, "Let's get ready to rumble!"


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