Thursday, July 01, 2004


My wife and I have a Celtic prayer book that I spend a great deal of time in. The theme for the month of July is pilgrimage. I sometimes feel as if I were on a pilgrimage. As some of you know I will be finishing school this May. There is uncertainty as to what I will be doing after I graduate. Some people may think it premature to start looking for a job this early. While I am not actively seeking I am beginning to pray that God would make it clear where the next step my family should take. We may stay at the church we are currently serving in or we may not. I am open either way. I guess the idea of pilgrimage comes from the uncertainty of a future destination. All of us are pilgrims in one sense or a another. We humans have a nagging suspicion that this world in which we live is not our true home. Our true residence lies with Jesus Christ. It's not even about getting to heaven (although that is a bonus). As one of my professors once said, "Heaven would be hell without Christ." With that in mind, I sense that God is taking my wife and me on a pilgrimage this year to find a place to serve. It may be that the destination is right here where we are, but that is not clear. So, as you are moved to prayer, please pray for my wife and me as we try to sense God's leading with sensitivity and patience. Pray also that I live in the present and give my all to the students I work with and the friends who love and care for us.


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