Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Electric Sex
How do you talk about sex to junior high boys? This is the second time I will be taking a group of guys through the "sex" talk. I look at the world around them and I weep for the pressures they will have to face. I wonder how can a young man make it through the teen years and still be pure? It used to be that you had to go looking for sex. Now it comes to them. E-mail Spam, TV shows, songs (including Britney Spear's song on self gratification). What is sad is that what the media is selling to these young men will never, ever be realized in their life. It's a lie that will never be fulfilled. I feel for these young men. I pray for them. May God fill their hearts and satisfy their desires, not the alluring glow of electric sex. The hard part is that I know that most likely they will not come through life unscathed. Just as we all have been scarred by life. I can't live their life for them. I can't be with them every second to make the right choices. But the Spirit is with them and if they do shoot themselves in the foot let's just hope it's only the pinky toe.


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