Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Robert brought up the question of homosexuality on his blog. As I was commenting I realized there is much more in my mind, so I decided to finish the post here:

This is such a hot topic right now. I think a lot of it as to do with the legal decisions that homosexual people are pushing for in the courts. I have been struggling with this in my own mind. I had a friend in college who was a roommate and close friend. Everyone said he was gay, but since he denied it I believed him (though looking back it was pretty obvious). My junior year he started distancing himself from his friends and came out my senior year. I have always regretted not being able to minister to him (whether he didn't want to be my friend anymore or I was too intolerant, I don't know). Recently I have had multiple dreams where we have reconciled. In these dreams all that happens I give him a big hug and tell him that I love him. There is a lot of crying involved. I think my subconscious is feeling really guilty that I haven't reached out to him.

It seems to me that the church has put homosexuality over most other sins. We have already decided that someone who lives in the sin of homosexuality couldn't possibly be a Christian. But we act as if someone who habitually lies or gossips or is gluttonous is sinning less. Many Christians worry that if a homosexual comes into the church and we don't get them straight right away then the whole congregation will go to pot. There was something about Jesus that drew sinners to himself. The most Holy One was constantly accused of hanging with a crowd of sinners. Why has the church exuded the exact opposite vibe? Sinners (or the ones we designate as sinners) don't want to come to church to be condemned. The gospel is freedom and it is freedom for all.


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