Monday, February 07, 2005

Pastor of Prayer

In my dialogue with some friends, I was struck with how wierd it is that we do not a paid staff person for prayer. If we truly value prayer in the church. Wouldn't it be wise to pay someone to mobilze prayer in the congregation. A pastor of prayer does not pray instead of everyone else. She/he prays FOR others, creates times and places for prayer, mobilizes others to pray. In our congregation of 3,500 or so people we have only 20-25 people at our all church prayer. This seems like we really don't value prayer. Now, I can hear the people who say, "We are all called to pray." To that I say we hire a student ministries pastor even though parents really have the God-given responsibility to raise their children and nuture them spiritually. A youth pastor comes alongside parents to help their ministry. I think a Pastor or Prayer would function in the same way. What are your thoughts? Am I way off base? Why hasn't this happened in the church yet?


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