Monday, May 23, 2005

Bon Voyage
Yesterday was the going away party from our old church. What a wonderful reception. There were plenty of students, laughs, and stories. I know this sounds really selfish, but it felt real awesome to have people validate the work I have been doing all these years. To hear it from students and co-laborers really made me feel like I had been doing a good job. I know that ultimately it should be about God's approval, but it is nice to be appreciated.

What struck me the most is two speeches made by two old men who I admire greatly. Both of them spoke well of me, but mentioned the impact I had on them. All this time I was just happy to listen to their wisdom and be ministered to. Bill and Mark, you've meant more to me than you'll ever know. Thanks to everyone else for stroking a guy's ego.

I think set aside times of validation and encouragement should be a regular form of worship in the church, not so much so I can be encouraged, but so that we constantly lift one another up. These times should be done regularly, not just when a person leaves a congregation. How much better would the church be if we spent regular time pointing out the way God works in the lives of others in a public setting? Can this be a form of worship too?


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