Thursday, May 26, 2005

As I have journeyed into this new ministry my new boss has constantly reminded me to dream big dreams. I have noticed that as people get older they dream less. Maybe it is because they realize that they no longer have time to accomplish those dreams. Maybe they have been jaded by years of dissappointment. It could be that they are settled in lives of quiet desparation. I don't want to finish dreaming big things.

When God called Abraham He told the old man that he would be a father of a nation. At nearly 100 years old the firstborn came. I can imagine that Abraham dreamed often of that nation as he gazed into the night sky. I believe Jesus "dreamed" of how one day millions of His followers would gather united under His leadership. Even John's vision of our future destination is a record of God's dream to reconcile humanity to Himself.

The men and women I admire are the ones who dream big...Really big! Not big in numbers or budget, but spiritual impact. I want to dream big for God's glory. Please, dream with me. Dream to see people come to know the Lord. Dream to live humbly before an audience of One. Dream to give of yourselves to others. Dream with me.


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