Monday, October 17, 2005


So, today is my birthday (26). This is the first one where I have not felt like it was any different than any other day. I had a breakfast appointment this morning with one of our elders (didn't tell him) and I have a retreat to really get cracking on. I have a small group meeting tonight. I guess I am now at the point in my life where all the big birthdays are multiples of 5's and 10's. You know what, I am ok with that. Every day is special for me. There is sweetness in my love for the Savior. I cherish all the more my relationship with my wife. That is all I really need. I had a sort of obsession with the new iPod video, but I realized how much I really don't need it. Just about the only gift I wanted (Simpson's Season 6) is in my possession.

I can say without any sense of falsehood and with complete sincerity that the greatest gift I have been given is access to the living God through our Lord Jesus. He makes getting up worthwhile. He makes me feel special and significant. Worship of His glorious name makes my heart sing, "Happy (Birth) Day to Me!"


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