Wednesday, December 28, 2005

A Very Cali Christmas
This time next year, my sister and parents will be in Texas permanently which means that this was my last Christmas in California visiting my home. Kind of sad really. When my parents move my Californian roots will go with them. This means I won't have a set reason to come back here at least once a year. My wife and I were at the beach the other day and I couldn't help but think, I am really saying, "goodbye" to this place. The the pounding surf brought waves of forgotten memories. There have been countless spoken and unspoken prayers on these beaches. These, though lost in the fabric of time, will always be buried treasures in my heart. I realized yet again how much I will never be a true Texan. That I will never get Texas like I get this place. The name of this blog is the Great State of Tex-afornia...a blending of two cultures. Since the 7 plus years I have been in Texas I have never left California behind. And I am OK with that. I will always be more 'Afornia' than anything else. So, I say good bye to my roots yet again, knowing that they will become more cemented in my past. Most of all, I will thank the Lord of Hosts who has given me the grace to be raised in such a godless, creative, beautiful, hilarious, breathtaking, warm, entrancing local. I thank Him because he touched me there, and called me there, and saved me there.


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