Friday, April 01, 2005


I have never been an overly pessimistic person. In general I tend to be a glass is half full kinda guy. This past couple of weeks, though, I have been hit with a wave of pessimism. I am constantly hearing from people phrases like, "Don't worry God has something better for you." How can you know what God has planned for me? What if Job's friends had said that? We would have run them out of his house. Name any biblical character that had things actually get "better". Moses-desert. Paul-beaten. John-exiled. David-stalked. Sure there are exceptions. Ruth and Joshua come to mind. What if God's plan is for me to suffer? The truth is no one really wants to say, "Yeah it sucks right now and it may not get any better."

Sorry for dumping, like I said I have been kinda pessimistic lately. I guess I will just stop. I still have my health and my wife and the love of good friends, so i can't complain all that much.


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