Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Pit in my Stomach
So, I haven't posted on church for a while so here goes. I hate how I have been so easily seduced by the numbers game. A few weeks ago we hit a record high for our ministry, not since I have been here, but ever. Immediately, my brain starts to pat itself on the back. Obviously I must be doing something right. God's favor is surely with us.

It sickens me, truly sickens me, to think that the enemy can lure me into this dangerous line of thinking. While I am excited that God is bringing people to our group, I am saddened that we can't offer them better care. We have only a few dedicated leaders, which means that the record number of students we have are coming in the door and leaving without getting what they need, someone to take a personal interest in their spiritual wellbeing.


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