Thursday, February 02, 2006

Loving Deuteronomy
I just finished reading Deuteronomy. I hadn't read the book since I too the Old Testament Class in seminary. I fell in love with this book for the first time. Some people read the book of laws and their eyes glaze over. Somehow, God showed something new to me. The book itself is Moses' last sermon. He is about to die and the Israelites are about to enter into the promised land with a new leader. Moses encourages his people to reaffirm their covenant with God by following His ways.

What I didn't notice before was the care and compassion represented in the laws. Laws about cancelling debt and feeding widows. Laws about breaking down idol worship. Laws about building cities of refuge for people who committed accidental murder. Laws about celebrating a feast in front of the presence of the Lord as a form of worship. The word "love" itself is prominent. Loving the Lord with all your soul and might is mentioned several times. Even at the end God says through Moses, "See I have set before you, blessings and curses. So choose life." Finally, God teaches Moses a song to teach the Israelites. In the song, Moses tells them that they will indeed go into the land, but they will soon forget God and what He has done. I imagine Moses being somewhat discouraged knowing that right after his death, they would turn away from the Lord. In the song, God calls his people to return to Him. It is very moving.

I actually started to cry during the closing chapters of the book because I saw the copmpassion, tenderness, and deep love the Father was feeling toward His people. I suggest you read it with these things in mind.


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