Wednesday, December 29, 2004

We Grieve

Lord, we grieve for the immense loss of life due to the Tsunami. The number is now over 70,000 confirmed dead and rising. We pray for the children orphaned, the women widowed, and the lives devastated. Lord, it is honestly hard to believe in your goodness during a time such as this. Please show yourself to the people of India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and other countries. I pray that humanity would show solidarity and love despite our sinful tendencies. Christ, be present in the aid workers of all faiths. Spirit, comfort those who weep and mourn. Father, exalt yourself in this broken world. Father, Son, and Spirit come quickly and reconcile this world to yourself.

In Christ,

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Christmas Traditions-The Flu

I have the unfortunate tendency of getting the flu nearly every holiday season. So, when I started feeling like crud two days ago I was thankful that the sickness would probably not last until Saturday. So, I have spent many hours on our couch pouring through our DVD collection. I have now watched most every DVD we have with and without the commentaries.

Fortunately, I have also had Blue Like Jazz to keep me company. Don Miller is refreshingly authentic and thoughtful. One of the greatest lines comes from the intro. "Sometimes you have to watch someone love something before you can love it yourself. It is as if they are showing you the way."

Well, It is snowing and I must partake. Enjoy the celebration of Love moving into the neighborhood.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004


Too busy to see the full version of "It's a wonderful life"? Watch the 30 second version, played by bunnies.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

"Dude", The Duct Tape of Language

According to this article my constant use of the word "Dude" is a valid form of communication. A linguist from the U. of Pittsburgh decontructed the word.

I use "dude" so often in my common speech that I don't even know when I use it. Finally, someone understands that the word "dude" is as versatile as Duct Tape. It can be a name for a friend (What's up dude?), a warning (Dude, you're a little close), an exclamation (Dude! I'm so wasted.), and a form of agreement (Dude, I understand).

I am glad that I haven't left this particular California vernacular behind. It makes me unique in this land of "Howdy" and "Y'all".

Wednesday, December 08, 2004


I'm tired of being a wannabe. I'm tired of trying to fit myself into the mold of other people's expectations. You know what, I don't have it all figured out. My small groups aren't run all that well. I forget details constantly and I take entirely to long to accomplish anything. I can't remember the last time I helped someone come to Christ. I'm not going to be the next world shaker or big wig. My theology is more messed up now than it was when I came to seminary. My words still get jumbled. I still get jealous. On occasion I take joy in other people's pain. My prayers can seem repetitive and dull. Sometimes, just sometimes, my smile isn't real.

Jesus, I can trust. Jesus, you give me glimpses of greatness. You provide shining glimmers of growth. Hairy and overweight, you love still the same. Hope for a guy like me means hope for anyone.

When I run, faster still you fly.
When I weep, your shoulder soft and dry.
When I laugh, splitting is your side.
When I needed, you chose only to die.
Where I am is always where you reside.

Take my gait, swifter soar
Take my tears, build a store
Take my joy, rays of glory
Take my need, long even more
Take my life, humbly Yours

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Holiday Tradition

Every year Reyn Spooner (a high class Hawaiian shirt maker) releases a Christmas Hawaiian shirt. I have been collecting these since 1999. My mom sent this one, the 2004 edition, Monday. I goal is to have enough Christmas shirts for the entire month of December.