New Home
This week the wifey and I have been moving into our new home slowly but surely this week. A car load here and there really adds up. Last night it was dishes, some decorations and a brand new lawn mower. After I put the mower together, I sat outside and watched as lightning illuminated the western sky just outside our door. It was calm, peaceful and oh so relaxing. I have missed the outdoors while living in our apartment. We never get a chance to just sit and watch the sunset. I felt God's grace fall on us right then and there. I was the better for it. Through the hubbub of moving and transfering all of our bills it was soothing to soak in the joy of having space. The cinched up belt around my soul finally let out huge sigh of relief. I am so joyed that the last step of our transition (job, school and house) is almost completed.
The last year or so has been so tough on us because there hasn't been a sense of stability. We knew we were leaving our church, but didn't know when. We were almost done with school. Looking back, it was God who gave us this past year to enjoy the present and gather strength for the next leg of our lives. Praise to the Holy One for He alone gives perfect gifts.
Mission Trip RecapSo, I am still trying to recooperate from last weeks trip. We took 14 high school students to a camp that serves kids with disabilities. I must say that I am super impressed with our kids. They changed diapers, gave showers, fed and cared for these campers much like Jesus would have done. I also really enjoyed having the time to get to know the students on a deeper level. It is weeks like this that make ministry a thrill for me. I see teens take on the yoke of Jesus and follow Him with their lives. I was truly humbled by this experience.
Personally, this was my first trip to be the guy in charge. I was really nervous beforehand because I hadn't been the head guy before. It really felt good to be responsible and to be the one to encourage and strenthen my students. I finally feel like I have taken on the pastor role here, and that is such a blessing for me.
I will share my experience with one camper. His name was Que. We bonded during the week. Though he was twelve, he could easily pass for seven. He couldn't walk or speak very well. One night around a campfire, Que took ahold of my hand and gave it a kiss. It melted my heart. I think I experienced one of those times when I caught a glimpse of what God experiences when we give Him our love and affection.
Tune In
So, last week I am driving home from a long day of class and I see a father and daughter behind me. The wierd thing was that the daughter was sitting shotgun with her iPod earbuds in. Now, I watched them for what must have been a good ten minutes. They didn't say one word to each other. This seems to be a great visual of what is going on in the lives of my students. I wondered what brought the pair to that point. Did they have a fight earlier? Had the father developed a habit of ignoring his daughter, prompting her to take the next step to tune him out? Did the daughter fail to appreciate her dad? I can't tell for certain, but I have seen this played out in many parent/child relationships. In many relationships it seems that either one or both of them is tuning the other out. Society is keying in on this. Cell phones, the internet, mp3 players, video games, talk radio, satellite TV...these are all means of creating enough distraction in our lives to ignore those around us while still feeling like were are involved. Isn't it convenient to not listen, not care, not acknowledge those around us? Are we breeding a society of unconcerned people who are unwilling or unable to make a meaningful connection with other people?
Christ calls us to engage society, family, and one another with persistence and patience. I refuse to retreat into technology and convenience. I won't allow being "plugged in" to interfere with my ability to listen or care. Oh, how I wish my desires and holiness were as fervent as my words. Lord, help me. Save me from this corrupt generation! Save me from myself!
As of 2:45 CST, Saturday July 9th I am offically done with my schooling. I can't even begin to tell you what a relief it is to be done. I really enjoyed my time at seminary, loved the classes and grew a ton. I always, however, felt that I was in transition. Now things in my life are starting to solidify and I am really liking that. I have a full time ministry position, school is over, and we are moving into our first home.
As I think back over the past 2 1/2 years, I can see God's faithfulness just painted all over the place. God allowed me to minister to some wonderful kids and still learn a ton. I really feel that my love for God's word has deepened over time. Though I have had to fight the urge to analyze and dissect God word, it has become to me active and vibrant. I see the wonderful pallette of themes God uses to make bring glory to His name. Thanks to all for the prayers and support these past years. One huge kudo, though, goes to my loving wife. She has supported me both emotionally and financially. She has encouraged me during the late nights of reading and writing, frustrations with professors, and physical exhaustion. I am so blessed to have her guidance, insight, laughter and love in my life. She really deserves to have her name on this diploma alongside mine. Maybe I'll sharpee it in for her.
Up for Air
So, this week I am been in class from 8-5. So, far the class has been pretty good. I am learning so much about the prophets and of how patient God is. Every time we study a new prophet I see Him longing to be reconciled with His people. The prophets are no longer doomsday proclaimers in my eyes, they are the upholders of God's loyal love.
However I am wiped out already (and it's only wednesday!). The good news is that it looks like I should be able to finish all my work and turn it in on the last day of class. After that I will definitely need to have a graduation party because this is my last class ever! Whoo hooo! Please pray that I don't go loopy these next few days.